
The work of Evgenija Wassilew deals with auditory perception and addresses the fragility of communication and the uncertainty of knowledge. She combines drawing, performance, sculpture, text- and sound-based recordings, exploring the physical and psychological impact of sound, voice, writing and music.





2008 DAAD Postgraduate year, Universität der Künste Berlin

2006 Diplôme national superieur des arts plastiques (Dnsap), Beaux-Arts de Paris

2004 Kwame Nkrumah University, KNUST, College of Art, Kumasi, Ghana, West-Africa

2001 Arts du spectacle, option théâtre/cinéma Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris III


grants and residencies

2024 shortlist – Kunstpreis des Haus am Kleistpark, Berlin

2022 one year working grant, Arbeitsstipendium der Stiftung Kunstfonds, Bonn

2022 residency, DIEresidenz, Die, one-month-residency, France

2022 dis-play, Ciao Container, Güterbahnhof, Areal für Kunst und Kultur, Bremen

2021 shortlist – Neuköllner Kunstpreis 202, Berlin

2021 research grant – Projektstipendium, Stiftung Kulturwerk der VG Bildkunst

2020 residency, Atelierhaus Salzamt Linz, Austria

2020 special grant – Sonderstipendium, Stiftung Kunstfonds Neustart Kultur

2020 printing grant Käthe Dorsch/Agnes Straub foundation

2019 research grant – Fine Arts, Recherchestipendium des Berliner Senats

2018 residency, Titanik AiR sound art, with Peter Strickmann, Turku, Finland

2018 travel grant for Titanik AiR, Goethe Institut, Finland

2016 sholarship – BS Projects/Sound Art, Landesstiftung Niedersachsen

2016 project grant, Käthe Dorsch/Agnes Straub foundation

2013 travel grant – Berliner Senat, cultural exchange, 5th Marrakesch Biennale

2011 residency – Pollen, artist in residence à Monflanquin, France

2008 sholarship – DAAD postgraduate studies for Germany

2007 residency – Shakers, artist in residence, Montluçon, France

2004 international travel grant – Bourse Colin-Lefranc, for Ghana, West-Africa


selected exhibitions and performances,  * solo/duo


Warsaw-Kin-Berlin, curated by Elisabeth Sonneck & Katie Zazenski, Galeria Promocyjna, Warsaw

time is a waving, invited by Muriel Serf, da-da-da, MM,M, Saarbrücken *

Narval, invited by Stephanie Imbeau, Roaming Winters, Bärenzwinger, Berlin


viermalvier, Die Macht des Schreibens und Lesens, Menschen Formen e.V., curated by Filomeno Fusco

Flanger in my mind, Zwitschermaschine, Berlin *

Ondes parasites, Dieresidenz, curation: Conny Becker *

dis-play, Ciao Container, Güterbahnhof Bremen *

Narval performance in: 48h Neukölln, invited by Mate Feles und Barnabás Sebessy, Zönotéca, Berlin

Narval, no one belongs here more than you, curated by Paulette Penje & Natalie Brück, Saarländische Galerie, Berlin

Narval, Sound Performance Event, curated by Alessandra Eramo, Errant Sound, Berlin

Narval performance in: Part I-IX, invited by Isabelle Schulte, Spoiler Aktionsraum


Tracing the Intangible, Neuer Kunstverein Giessen

floating glass, restless minds & liquid lights, Zwitschermaschine, Berlin *

Kunstpreis Neukölln 2021, Galerie am Saalbau, Berlin

Narval, performance in: ein kleines Stück Unsichtbarkeit, Projektraum in der Alten Feuerwache, Friedrichshain


être vent, performance during the exhibition „Underneath“, Galerie Nord/Kunstverein Tiergarten

Labyrinth Listening Walks, KGB Woche Berlin & Seanaps Festival Leipzig


Mindmap, Kunsthalle.Ost, Leipzig *

être vent, with Peter Strickmann, konnektor, Forum für Künste, Hannover *

Narval, performance in: Organic Shapes, Jörg Hasheider, Zwitschermaschine, Berlin


gravity’s pull, with Peter Strickmann, Hochparterre, Berlin

être vent, Out Now! Art in public space, One day festival, Berlinische Galerie, Berlin

Music Pieces for Voice Piece, ausland, Berlin, DE *

Why art?, Museum Ulm / kunsthalle weishaupt, Ulm, DE

être vent, Titanik Galleria studio space, with Peter Strickmann, Turku, FI *

Narval, performance in: Music Pieces for Voice Piece, ausland, Berlin, DE


blind spot, Künstlerhaus Dortmund, DE

Open Studio & guests, Studio 831, H.34, Naumannpark, Berlin

Living Room, tête, Berlin

This is…auf der Schwelle, Bar Babette, Berlin

#weltraum, invited by Wenfeng Liao, auf dem Wolf, Basel, CH

Auf der Schwelle, Studio Daniel Lergon, Berlin


Wandering Flutist, with Marc Philipp Gabriel, performance in situ, BS Projects, DE *

presence sensed, Braunschweig Projects, HbK Braunschweig, DE

Echos, Festival Imprudences, with Elise Vandewalle and Faye Formisano, Eglise St.Merri, Paris

True Mirror, Espace Commines, Paris


Wandering Eyes, Jimei X Arles, International Photo Art Festival, Xiamen City, CHN

Trace a Line, C3, Berlin

A Salon about failure, lecture-performance, Kunstraum Ossastrasse, Berlin

Violin Piece For Voice Piece, with Max Sudhues, performance, Ghent, BE

Hors d’Oeuvre, The Secondary concern, tête, Berlin

Tabs#, Lage-egal, Berlin


DisSonata, performance, Lange Nacht der Bilder, Lichtenberg Studios, Berlin

Alle Tiere sind gleich, Städtische Galerie Pforzheim, DE

If you’re so smart, why ain’t you rich? tribute to Julius Eastman, ESAV, Official Parallel Project of the 5. Marrakech Biennale, MA

Dritte Räume, with Bignia Wehrli and Judith Karcheter, Motorenhalle. Projektzentrum für zeitgenössische Kunst, Dresden, DE


Beautiful Minds, Art-Parcours, Campus Nord, Kleine Humboldt-Galerie, Berlin

Melos Amoris, Loge, Berlin *

Festival Appearances, Provincetown, USA

Philidor’s Ink, enblanco, Berlin *

Ausstellung n°7, Berlin Art Junction, GIZ-Haus, Berlin


Pavillion visionnaire, Biennale Regard Bénin, Porto Novo, Bénin

Reading Distractions, with Bignia Wehrli, Das Gift/Giftraum, Berlin *

Jäger und Gejagte, Museum Villa Rot, Burgrieden-Rot, Germany


Seeing Things, Kleine Humboldt-Galerie, Lichthof der HU, Berlin

Kunstaktien, Uferhallen, Berlin

Antiphony, Pollen, Monflanquin, France *

Art Proxime, CIAM / La Fabrique, Traverse-Vidéo, Toulouse, France

Ausstellung n°4, Berlin Art Junction, GIZ-Haus, Berlin

,claque!, with Bignia Wehrli and Judith Karcheter, Studio Weser, Berlin


(Dis)Sonate, Schalter, Berlin *


Interstices et Porosité, Chapelle des Carmélites, Traverse Vidéo, Toulouse


Versions, La Fortune, Espace RTT, Brussels

Festival Miden, Kalamata, Greece

Video Salon, Galerija 10m2, Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina


Palimpsestes, Orangerie de la Louvière, Montluçon, France *


A l’instant précisément, Carré des Arts, Salon du Livre, Paris


Gyata Dee , Alliance française, Kumasi, Ghana

Shortlist Prix du Dessin, Institut des Beaux-Arts, Paris


En suspend, Ecole spéciale d’architecture de Paris